Saturday, March 24, 2012

Luck O' the Irish

What better day to "taste the rainbow" than Saint Patrick's Day! There were three main elements to create the look of this cake, the rainbow, leprechaun and pot o' gold. 

To create the rainbow I bought 3 large bags of skittles and and separated the colors in to bags. It sounds like a tedious job, but I was watching a great movie and it went really quick. When applying to the cake I followed the patter of the rainbow for color blocking. 

The little leprechaun's body and face are made of fondant and his hat and suit are out of butter cream. I rolled up little balls for his hands and just piped a large rod of frosting from his hand to shoulder to create the arms. For the rim of his hat I used a flat tip and then just kept piling up the butter cream to give the top hat it's height. 

The pot o' gold was baked in a coffee mug and cover with black fondant. I piped a big glob of frosting on top and cover it with gold tinted sprinkles. Finally I dusted the pot with gold luster dust to finish it off.

This was a fun colorful cake that I think was perfect to celebrate the luckiest holiday of the year.  


MOM said...

Lucky Day for whoever got to eat THIS!

MOM said...

Seriously....this is a clever rainbow burst of colorful candy to make a create cake that awakens the eye and palate! (ha! like the corny critique? ;-)